With the release of Google’s browser, Chrome, for iOS yesterday, Google now claims that Chrome is the world’s #1 browser. To go along with this momentous occasion, Google released one of their neo-classic “feel good” ads to celebrate the history of Chrome.
Google releases ad to celebrate Chrome being “the world’s #1 browser.”
While I generally stick to Firefox for most of my web needs, this is fueled primarily by the fact that Firefox has superior web development tools over any other browser (Firebug, Web Developer Tools, etc). I will say, however, that because of Chrome’s speed and web technology support, I do use it for surfing the web when I’m not developing websites.
And as I side note, there are a lot of great browsers out there that excel at serving up the modern web to its users. But, for goodness sake, if you’re still using Internet Explorer 6, 7, or 8, PLEASE upgrade immediately! Every time you visit a site with one of those versions of IE, a web developer stabs himself in the eye….